
How the left stole almost all ideas from the right

Leftists in the East and West have copied all sorts of core elements of classic right-wing empires and pretended in their marketing to be different and new.

Suppressing nationalism and using multiculturalism

Even the formal rejection of nationalism and the use of multiculturalism among the left was not a break with the past. The Roman Empire can be described as a “multicultural” regime due to the vast extent of its territory and the diverse range of cultures and peoples encompassed within its borders. The empire spanned three continents and incorporated numerous regions and societies, each with its own distinct traditions, languages, and customs (Therborn 2021). Roman society was characterized by its ability to absorb and assimilate diverse cultures.

The Roman leadership did not care what you looked like and what religion you practiced. They demanded loyalty and every group was under surveillance.

Accordingly, communism doesn’t care what you look like. In the Cold War, different countries were specifically allowed and encouraged to maintain some traditional elements like East Germany or North Korea. Even communist China didn’t forget about the old Han empire.

The Islamic Caliphate absorbed different peoples and cultures. Older religions influenced Islam and then Islam forcefully recruited new members who were Persians, Turks and Africans. It was important to the leadership to curb most of the old nationalism of conquered territories. Powerful arab clans may think they are the better muslims because they trace their history back to the times of the prophet Mohammed, but ultimately Muslims do not care what you look like.

Communism in that regard worked in a similar fashion. The fact that socialists today seek close ties with Islam is a tactic that has already been seen, albeit in a different form, in the British Empire. The Socialists want a temporary alliance but ultimately bring Islam fully into socialism. Muslims who migrated to Europe for example may initially balk at Western culture and try to have ultra-conservative families. But there is no way to keep all the young Muslims, especially women, from accessing all kinds of Western information.

Rejection of religion

This rejection of religion was a sham, because religions were replaced by communist ideology with the saint-like figures of Marx and Lenin, rituals, and an inquisition to chase down heretics.

Exploitation of workers and peasants

This was copied straight from medieval serfdom. In socialism, the fields were owned by the collective society on paper and not by aristocrats. But the party was the new aristocracy and made all the decisions. The peasants had to work every day and could not change anything significant about their situation.

Basic imperialist structure

The USSR was very Roman in principle. A large territory was ruled with an iron fist and expanded by orce whenever possible.

Controlled pseudo-capitalism

The British had fake-capitalist structures like the East India company and used intelligence to build an run all maor corporations. The modern Chinese communists copied this to a large degree.

Population reduction

A newer trend among the left is population reduction. It was already a big deal among the British elites in the later 1800s and then 1900s. Eugenics was run by white aristocratic men. Today’s left wants to create a world system and it desperately needs the reproduction rates in Western societies to be very low. Wasting money and woke policies and culture is simply aimed at lowering birth rates and avoiding stable families.

Cadre schools and sugar daddies

The Democrats have copied Republican structures almost verbatim: Training facilities and cadre schools like Wellstone, organizers who form a tight group and intermarried suggar daddies and mommies who pay for it all. A typical example: Mark Dayton, former governor of Minnesota and U.S. Senator, heir to the Dayton-Hudson department store fortune (Target stores), was Alida Rockefeller Messinger’s first husband. Messinger is also the sister of former West Virginia governor and U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat. Kamala Harris is appearing in public like a princess.

Everybody just settles for standard imperial techniques

Democrats and Republicans alike have cooperated with the USSR, the later Russian empire and Communist China. Rightwingers and leftwingers have used security and economic arguments to create a world system, prefereable to a World War and endless, costly competition.

The Imperial techniques are so successful that every country, every system, ends up like this if you don’t really understand it and don’t take appropriate countermeasures.

You won’t get rid of the problems caused by powerful left-wing groups by simply following right-wing or far-right groups.

If you follow classic right-wing elites, they will simply decide what is best for them, not for you. If it is more beneficial to them to have significant migration, then they do it. If it benefits them that you are poor, then you are poor. If they want to weaken family structures, they will do that. If they want to reduce birth rates, they do it.

If you think imperial structures are terrible and you won’t benefit from them, don’t choose a leftwing interpretations and hope the left will save you. They will only apply imperialist techniques. Don’t think traditional conspiracy mythology can explain these things: Imperialist techniques were not invented by mystical jews and every empire has used them.

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