
Cadre camps, the poverty spiral and “World Income Distribution”: The 2024 Democrats

Democrats will talk to voters in a primitive 7th grade style while the strategists behind it all speak in a coded language and mathematical formulas which the peasants can’t understand at all. At the heart of the plan is the lowering of birth rates. The end goal is a sinister system of “World Income Distribution”.

The cadre camps

Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s running mate, scores audience points with his down-to-earth demeanor; a completely artificial, rehearsed schtick that he learned in Democratic training schools like Wellstone Action under the guidance of Jeff Blodgett. In May 2003, Wellstone Action held its first Camp Wellstone, an intensive course in election campaigns, and in the following years 55,000 people completed these training courses.

The associated Democracy Alliance is an exclusive network of wealthy donors. Blodgett explains:

“The art is relationships, and some of that has to do with longevity. There are good people here, they know each other – they’re all married to each other.”

A typical example: Mark Dayton, former governor of Minnesota and U.S. Senator, heir to the Dayton-Hudson department store fortune (Target stores), was Alida Rockefeller Messinger’s first husband. Messinger is also the sister of former West Virginia governor and U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat.

50 of the biggest left-liberal donors met in the office of Vance Opperman, an investment banker and major donor from Minneapolis.

Apparently the left has copied some of the Republicans’ methods. They standardize campaigns and candidates. At the top level, they maintain close family ties; an exclusive and privileged clique.

Jeff Blodgett’s book “Winning Your Election the Wellstone Way” describes the essence of the training: It’s all about winning, not about finding candidates who can really run a state or the whole country.

Al Quinlan, a Democratic strategist, puts it this way: “Voters are increasingly choosing a candidate based on who that person is, not just what they promise to do. It’s a gut reaction based on how a candidate presents themselves.

They think the voters are stupid and it’s not advisable to risk substantive debate. The stupider the better.

By 2004, telling a human story had become an essential part of almost every campaign speech: Gephardt talked about growing up in poverty in Saint Louis, Edwards talked about working in the textile mills with people who had “lint in their hair and grease on their faces,” and Kerry, of course, talked about Vietnam. But Howard Dean often neglected to tell the crowds that he had practiced medicine.

You’re just supposed to throw superficial phrases at voters:

“a fair wage for a fair job,” “many hands make light work,” “clean up your trash” (when it comes to corporate responsibility for pollution), and so on.

The book gives special praise to Tim Walz, who decided to run against a popular incumbent who had already served six terms. The district, which covered much of southeastern Minnesota, was traditionally conservative, and the conservative incumbent was widely expected to win re-election. But Walz ran a cadre-training campaign and succeeded like Paul Wellstone once did.

If you watch a Walz rally, you can see the Wellstone training in action. He’s all buddy and no substance.

The stupidity/poverty spiral

When a Wellstone candidate wins an election, he quickly makes sure people get even more stupid. Now, nearly half of the students in Minnesota’s public schools can’t read at grade level. Thanks a lot, Tim.

Reading proficiency among Minnesota students has dropped from 59.2% in 2019 to 49.9% in 2023, according to the state Department of Education. Math comprehension has also dropped, from 55% in 2019 to 45.5% last year.

30% of all Minnesota students were chronically absent or missed more than 10% of school days in the 2021-22 school year.

The curriculum has been padded with woke content, such as critical theory, which is nothing more than whining and demanding that Democrats implement a kind of “change” which the peasant voters are too dumb to understand.

The worse the school performance, the higher the poverty and crime rates. The people concerned then either have no children at all, too few or no stable families. The struggling next generation needs more government handouts, more financial band-aids and is less able to see through the Wellstone fakery of the Democrats.

The “Dunning Kruger” effect kicks in hard when uneducated people think they can understand every important isssue because of a few gimmicky ideological thinking patterns.

It’s all about the birth rates

After World War II, the US passed the GI Bill to support returning soldiers and help the middle class finance houses in the suburbs, cars and an average of 3.7 children.

Those days are long gone. The more leftwing a segment of the population, the fewer children.

Authors Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson published their study “Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline” in 2018.

The organized leftwing leadership does not really care about women in particular, or LGBTQ minorities. It’s all about lowering birth rates, because this is the foundation of the larger agenda.

The downward spiral has many accelerating factors: Young men without present fathers often turn out un-masculine or go down a narcissistic path of dominant “alpha”-behavior. If the mothers classify assertiveness as toxic masculinity, no masculinity at all is the result.

They either exploit women hyper-aggressively or choose a subservient strategy that will never be attractive. Fewer and fewer women will risk starting a family if the man isn’t at least moderately wealthy.

Young women increasingly become alike, voicing the same clichéd ideas and liking the same things.

The more woke the less compatible they are to be with. If they are too boring, too dysfunctional or too evil, they are not for long-term relationships and families.

The Kremer Program

After graduating from Chadron State College in 1989, Tim Walz took on a one-year teaching position at WorldTeach in China, an organization from Harvard circles, in particular the star economist Michael Kremer.

This seems to be a very important connection. There is a whole network of people who seem to follow Kremer’s plans and calculations. Kremer is the king of coded language, wrapping his highly radical ideas in mathematical formulas, platitudes and fractal style explanations. No peasant Democratic voter is supposed to understand him.

He wants to appear particularly intelligent, but ultimately he dumbs down a complex world full of dangerous states to a bit of mathematics and then wants to use it to calculate a world system, a “world income distribution”. His endeavors in Africa consisted of delivering medical supplies and teaching materials, which of course improved conditions. But then he builds a pseudo-science on top of this, ending with a utopian “world income distribution”.

Absolutely essential for him is to limit the growth rates of the population worldwide. If this is not achieved, his whole plan will collapse.


If the gap in population growth rates between industrialized and developing countries narrows in line with the UN Population Division’s forecasts, the world economy will eventually converge to a prosperous steady state.

This means that the West and other industrialized countries should continue to have a disastrous child-bearing ratio of less than 2.1, while developing countries should also have fewer children. According to Kremer, migrants will then continue to flow into the industrialized countries, who can no longer survive without migration. At some point, he claims, we would have a stable world system.

Very revealing is also his paper “Population Growth and Technological Change: One Million B.C. to 1990”

Traditional empires needed large populations to produce grain on the fields and serve as soldiers. The tricky part was to maintain loyalty and coherence, so that the common people did not become too sophisticated and didn’t form bigger clans and organized clan structures like the ruling aristocracies. This coherence was enforced through domestic espionage, oppressive laws, the poverty of the average farming family and religion.

Modern science fundamentally changed that old model of imperialism. Less people were needed to produce food, more people worked in factories and more people invented new things. Technology became a closely guarded deciding factor of success. But you can’t fully restrict many kinds of knowledge.

Michael Kremer knows that there is a stable system of elite universities that recruits both children from established families and very gifted children from regular homes. The government also has its scientific networks as well as large corporations.

You don’t need bigger populations any longer to get more inventions and relevant production. Most people are simply not needed any more.

Kremer’s extensive work on poverty, schools and medicine in Africa was essentially about population reduction. If you gain people’s trust, solve some of their immediate problems, they will also learn about contraception and logical thought, the corner stones of lowering birth rates.

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