
Unstable non-experts becoming famous: The core problem of influencers like Alex Jones


The end of Infowars is near and it’s not how Alex Jones fans had imagined. He was not arrested or assassinated by henchmen federal agents of the globalists. He was not charged for exposing one of the Clintons or “the bankers”.

He was sued by the Sandy Hook parents for reporting absolute nonsense he and his staff found somewhere else on the internet. The analytical skills of Jones supporters are unfortunately so bad in general, they can’t see what the fundamental mistakes were and how to prevent them in the future. Jones’ skills are just as bad as those of his audience. During the SandyHook fiasco there was no adult (meaning expert) in the room. Jones is not an expert, yet he was the boss of a media comoany speaking to millions of people. He hasn’t hired real experts either, nor a specialized lawyer going over scripts before going on the air.

Many experts in various fields, even PHDs and professors, have an IQ of about 125 and they have read about 500 selected books by other experts, plus a bunch of studies and papers. This is attainable. Politics and history are not normal fields of science though. You can’t do lab experiments or precise mathematical calculations to prove or disprove a thesis. In chemistry or astronomy you have reproducable results. You figure out something new and others can replicate the same lab experiment or calculation. When you talk about hyper-complex human systems and societies, especially from the past, you don’t have the same toolbox. Political ideologies are based on oversimplifications and pretend to be system theories. It’s just a collection of simple gimmicks to explain how evil works, how to defeat it, and how to build the ideal society. Because ideoloie are so simplistic, they seem perfect to the audience, because you feel like you can answer every important question and solve every complex problem. In a matter of weeks or days you can internalize the gimmicks and thus become a true believer, an activist, an “info-warrior”.

To really understand the empires of the past and the current world, you need a lot of really good data, prefereably from hundreds or (ideally) thousands of selected quality books by different experts who put the esence of decades of work into them. It is a misconception that books are generally dry theoetical flimflam by people removed from reality. Some authors have worked for decades in the intelligence field, others have dissected the very essence of various empires and reconstructed secrets. Thr world is a big place and it’s very old so an expert has to know a lot about the British Empire, tsarist Russia, the USSR, various intelligence agencies, operations, techniques, conflicts and so on. Then, you have to be able to reconstruct secret intelligence networks and operations. Empires don’t like transparency and this is why we can’t be timid scientists who expect convenient data about everything. Conventional historians and political scientists lack the knowledge and skills of the intelligence world. Traditional conspiracy influencers pretend to posess these skills.

I myself have reached the threshold of about a 1000 selected books by experts. Jeff Nyquist, who does the “Friends & Enemy” show with me, is in the thousands. If you cannot do this, you can never be an expert. There is no way around this, no shortcut, no gimmicky system theory you found somewhere.

Any moron can be a leftwing influencer. You adopt the old gimmicks of Karl Marx and Lenin: The traditional family, private property and trade breed evil, thus you want to destroy those foundations of evil. Through this lens you interpret all of history and the entire current world. You find things that are terrible, you complain about them and you offer the ideological gimmick as the solution.

Alex Jones never came close to being an expert, nor did he seek to hire experts. As far as we can tell, he once read some books from the John Birch Society which combined public, nons-special information with old, debunked myths about the Rothschild family. It’s the central gimmick: The mighty British Empire was run by idiots and a handful of jews were master spies and took it over. None of this is true. The vast aristocracy had the best intelligence capabilities and had thus been able in the first place to take over Britain and fend off their enemies like France. But the “truthers” feel they don’t really need to know about Britain, aristocrats, the French, tsarist Russia and all that. What matters to them is the idea that a tiny group of jews were super-spies and took over Britain and the US. If you doubt that, you are considered stupid, a coward or a collaborator. Jones apparently knew in the 1990s he would be a tiny fringe entity if he openly repeated the gimmick. As recently as this year, he explained that the “Rothschild” conspiracy, which controlled Britain, had flooded tsarist Russia with jewish assets to create communism and received Ukraine as a Judas style payment. Putin, he claimed, finally freed his people from the conspiracy. The US, meanwhile, is still occupied by the conspiracy and needs to be freed.

At 50 years of age, he is all about the simple gimmick and he explains everything with it. This made him popular and rich, but also interchangeable. Any activist can apply the same gimmick. And by doing so, none of the actual networks and operations of the world can be exposed. Conspiracy influencers often hate each other and fight viciously over disagreements. Criticism is viewed as a mean-spirited attack or evidence that the other person is in on the conspiracy. Jones has been attacked by many activists for made up reasons, because they want to take some market share away from him. They said he’s not anti-jewish enough, or he wasn’t pushing some thesis like “no planes” were used in the 9/11 attacks. He became furious when the Q movement received a ton of attention for reading the tea leaves of cryptic postings from a message board. He feuded with the Q shaman, a mentally unstable activist who is no expert either, but is younger and far more handsome than Jones.

Jones admitted years ago on his show that in the distant past he was still reading (loosely?) a few books but it’s a “luxury” he does not have the time for anymore. He could have bothered to hire people who were avid readers and experts, but no. At some point he figured that only white dudes were watching him, so he hired women, a black guy and some Latinos, hoping he could get access to more audiences. Pretty much everybody left or was fired and then came the white power phase at Infowars when he simply hired more white dudes to talk to white dudes.

For a true investigative platform, the content needs to be the main focus. Infowars became a viral recycling machine of content from the web which was free to quote, copy and adapt. The last noteworthy, exclusive story was a quarter of a century ago with the Bohemian Grove infiltration. Sure, you can’t expect them to do this kind of thing on a regular basis. But ever since nobody could quite remember anything that was truly original. They looked around on the internet, found things, repackaged them and made money off of it. Often times it was simply Russian disinformation. Or wishful fantasies about Trump and others arresting the Democrats and saving America.

Any time there are negative consequences, the standard procedure is applied: They claim the conspiracy is attacking them because they are such awesome heroes.

Jones is more than happy to attack the characters, the personalites of people, sometimes rightfully so, sometimes not. He has to measured by the same standards, because it can be relevant to his work output if he has serious character flaws and his customers should understand who they are buying from.

Even a mentally unstable scientist can come up with good work, even great work, but Jones is simply unstable without delivering science. If his main tool needs to be his brain, but he is gobbling up vodka and who knows what else, nothing can work.

By seeking publicity he created a disastrous feedback loop of problems. The bigger his audience became, the more powerful and attractive he appeared, yet the more he became dependent on a misguided audience of non-experts who don’t read quality books. It became financially impossible for him to introduce quality, because quality information is about complexity, it’s often grim and it tells the audience it has to shape up. Group narcissism and individual narcissism makes money, but it’s a downward spiral. The moment you say things that disappoint and erode wishful thinking, your popularity tanks. There is no genuine brand loyalty. People can close internet tabs and find someone else who says what’s popular.

The entire fiasco that was Jones’ career is mainly his own responsibility, then comes his core audience and then the vacuum that is mainstream media. He could become popular because mainstream media was avoiding too many things.

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