Lord Louis Mountbatten and his family were under pressure from Russia, historians feared. That would have devastating effects on NATO to this day.
There are two categories of compromising material: Mountbatten’s alleged pedophilia and the secret correspondence he managed between the British nobility and their closest relatives in Germany. Operating the secret communications channels was a special role he inherited from Prince George, Duke of Kent.

Prince George was the son of King George V and Queen Mary. His brothers were Kings Edward VIII and George VI. The relationship extended not only to Germany, but also to Denmark and Tsarist Russia.
Prince George died in a plane accident in 1942. After his death, Mountbatten took over the secret channels to noble relatives in Germany during the Second World War, including Philip of Hesse-Kassel, who had already joined the NSDAP in 1930 and took on diplomatic tasks for Hitler. A shocking number of high nobility were in the Nazi Party.

Philip of Hesse was the son-in-law of the Italian king and he undertook secret diplomacy to Benito Mussolini, who was confirmed to have worked for British intelligence in his early days.
After the war, the British royal couple posed in countless television reports. But there was a tricky problem: the secret communications from the war period were not allowed to be made public. The American and British occupying troops could have captured such documents. This also includes details about Rudolf Hess’s strange journey by plane to England and the Duke of Windsor’s relationships with the Nazis.
Lord Mountbatten appointed selected people to travel to Germany and take documents with them. One of them was Anthony Blunt, the traitor in the service of the Soviets.
Blunt was supposed to obtain documents from the brother of the Prince of Hesse-Kassel at Friedrichshof Palace in the Taunus. Another mission went to the Duke of Braunschweig.
Even when Blunt was exposed as a Soviet spy, he was treated with kid gloves. The book “War of the Windsors” clearly states that the Soviets were able to blackmail the British Royal Family and their relatives.
Louis Mountbatten’s nephew was married to Queen Elizabeth II. who had access to all intelligence, received daily reports in a red leather box and used to be ahead of all of her prime ministers.
Russian sympathies
Even Winston Churchill chided Mountbatten over his expression of “leftwing views”. The Americans were more open in their criticism and also pointed at the mysterious Peter Murphy, who was always very close to Mountbatten without holding any formal position in the staff. Murphy had been openly Marxist when they had first met in Cambridge, and he was regarded as a very promiscuous homosexual. Despite this security risk, he was allowed to be alongside Mountbatten in south East Asia, where ultimately the communists were able to take over China.
Even more astounding, Murphy was close to members of the British Communist party such as Harry Pollitt, an unwavering supporter of Stalin. From 1933 until November 1939, Pollitt was in direct radio contact with Moscow as the CPGB’s “code holder”.
From 1931, Olga Gray, an MI5 agent, infiltrated the party, and was for a time Pollitt’s personal secretary. In Operation MASK agents were able to crack the code and decrypt radio messages between Moscow and some of its foreign parties, such as the CPGB. They revealed the Comintern’s close supervision of the Communist Party and Pollitt, as well as the substantial financial support the CPGB received from Moscow. Among other things, Pollitt was instructed to refute news leaks about a Stalinist purge.
Even Louis’ wife Edwina Mountbatten became more leftwing. The authors of “War of the Windsors” conclude:
Virtually everything Mountbatten did after the war perfectly played into the hands of the Soviet Union, working against British and American interests.
Many saw his handling of the British withdrawal of India as as a blatant move to steer that vast country towards Russia. Churchill detested his disdain for the special relationship between Britain and the US. Mountbatten supported the communists in the Spanish civil war, opposed Britain’s involvement in the Suez crisis and advocated for nuclear disarmament.
Professor John Desmond Bernal from Britains Communist party provided Mountbatten with contacts in the Soviet Union. Bernal wrote:
In thinking of Stalin as the greatest figure of contemporary history we should not overlook the fact that he was at the same time a great scientist. His humanity always prevented him from becoming doctrinaire. Stalin’s concern for men and women also found expression in his concern for the advancement of oppressed people and nationalities.
In the early 1930s at Cambridge, Bernal was in the same circle as Blunt and Burgess.
Commander Donald McCormick from the Royal Navy, who had served unter Mountbatten, wrote:
…was the obsession of Mountbatten with his royal connections in Germany and Russia just as much as in Britain and his almost grotesque vanity which sometimes led him to believe that he could achieve far more in international politics than anyone else. Vanity and treachery go together. .
CIA sources complained that Mountbatten personally blocked investigations into the activities of a senior royal navy officer who was under suspicion of passing information to the Russians.
In the mid-1950s he was in secret contact with the Soviet ministry of defence. Captain Geoffrey Bennett alleged that Mountbatten had expressed his lyoalty to the USSR in the correspondence.
In 1956, as First Sea Lord, he was at the forefront of planning the British military intervention in the Suez crisis. The main goal was to retake control over egypt and prevent the region from falling under Russian influence. Mountbatten was against the whole operation and the USSR was pre-warned early because of a leak.
Despite all this, he gained more and more promotions.
Alledged Sex crimes
Ron Perks, Mountbatten’s driver in Malta in 1948, claimed the nobleman regularly visited the Red House, an upscale gay brothel in Rabat used by naval officers. Royal Historical Society member Andrew Lownie wrote that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintained files on Mountbatten’s alleged homosexuality. Lownie also interviewed several young men who claimed to be in relationships with Mountbatten.
In 2019, files became public showing that the FBI knew about allegations that Mountbatten was homosexual and pedophile as early as the 1940s. The FBI file on Mountbatten, begun after he assumed the role of Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia in 1944, describes Mountbatten and his wife Edwina as “individuals of extremely low morals” and includes a claim by American author Elizabeth, Baroness Decies , that Mountbatten was known to be a homosexual and had “a perversion for little boys.”
Norman Nield, Mountbatten’s driver from 1942 to 1943, told the tabloid New Zealand Truth that he transported boys aged 8 to 12 who had been placed for the admiral to Mountbatten’s official residence and was paid to keep quiet .
Robin Bryans had also alleged to Irish magazine Now that Mountbatten and Anthony Blunt, along with others, were part of a ring that took part in homosexual orgies and placed first-year boys in public schools such as Portora Royal School in Enniskillen. Former residents of Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast have claimed they were trafficked to Mountbatten at Classiebawn Castle, his home in Mullaghmore, County Sligo.
In October 2022, Arthur Smyth, a former Kincora resident, waived his anonymity to make allegations of child abuse against Mountbatten. The allegations are part of a civil case against state authorities responsible for caring for children in Kincora. The claims are based on three decades of American intelligence files uncovered by biographer Andrew Lownie as part of his research for his new book “The Mountbattens: Their Lives & Loves.”
All access
King George VI Already in 1950 shared secret documents with Princess Elizabeth, who was only 23 years old. Prime Minister Clement Attlee provided her with detailed notes from the cabinet, classified as “Top Secret”. Also received State Department documents. Her private secretary was Baron Martin Charteris; Member of the Privy Council and decorated with the most elite medals. Things were so familiar that he wasn’t even formally examined and approved for this position. He just got the job. His grandfather had already been a deputy lieutenant of the crown. Martin served in military intelligence and worked closely with Maurice Oldfield, later head of MI6.
In October 2012, the BBC current affairs program Panorama reported that he had been linked by Operation Midland and a Metropolitan Police informant to the Elm Guest House child abuse scandal, which allegedly involved senior MPs and security staff. The investigation ended without charges, and in 2017 Oldfield was acquitted of all allegations of child abuse at the Elm Guest House and elsewhere.
Princess Elizabeth grew up with her cousin Margaret Rhodes, who worked for MI6. Elizabeth’s father was very close to the services and her uncle was directly involved in secret operations during the war. The royal family communicated with the political government via new encrypted telephones; Elizabeth was given the codename 2519.
She fell in love with Prince Phillip of the House of Mountbatten (actually Hesse-Darmstadt). His infamous uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, was Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia. Although Phillip came from the usual family circles, there was a PR problem: all three of his sisters had married German princes during the Nazi era.
The domestic secret service Mi5 had to provide special protection for the big wedding, because the nobility had many enemies who tried to infiltrate the catering circles in the run-up to the big event.
When the Yugoslav dictator Tito fell out with the Russians, he visited London and was the first to greet Prince Phillip. Tito was a target for the KGB and was therefore not allowed to sit in the same vehicle as the royals, the public was excluded from the trip and thousands of police were deployed to secure the route.
Elizabeth remained reserved, although she became significantly involved in such Cold War matters. Every evening at seven o’clock she received a red leather-clad box containing top-secret diplomatic cables, cabinet meeting notes and intelligence memos. The Queen also always received the first copy of the weekly summary from the secret services. Even in the event of war, she would have been able to access all information, no matter how secret, on the condition that the documents were burned after reading them. She was considered to be very neat in her handling of documents and returned all government papers that were not destroyed without any gaps. Who from her family she let read the documents is of course a secret. In the morning there were additional meetings at Buckingham Palace with diplomats, intelligence chiefs, high-ranking politicians and military officers. Tuesday afternoons were reserved for secret meetings with the prime ministers.
The role of the official secret service structures was also to ensure that the nobles did not let their status be displayed too much. Phillip had to be monitored at every turn because he pursued similar pastimes as his infamous Uncle Louis. Elizabeth’s second son, Andrew Duke of York, later had a most embarrassing scandal with a young lady procured by Jeffrey Epstein.
The Royal Family knew that Anthony Blunt was a KGB spy as early as 1948. Elizabeth was ahead of her own Prime Minister Alec-Douglas-Home on the matter. Blunt was “turned,” meaning he had to work against the Soviets in exchange for immunity from prosecution.
Phillip’s uncle, Louis Mountbatten, became chairman of the armed forces and was given access to all of America’s nuclear weapons secrets. After a visit to Toronto by Aunt Olga, sister of Russian Tsar Nicholas II, he met with the head of the Strategic Air Command. Britain’s Blue Streak missile program was plagued by technical problems, so they turned to the American Skybolt missiles.
During Elizabeth’s reign, the British colonial empire was ended in its classic form and continued in a covert form, which required extensive secret operations. In 1995, Elizabeth and Philipp visited the headquarters of GCHQ in Cheltenham, responsible for electronic espionage. The Queen of England receives briefings from GCHQ, similar to the NSA in the USA. The GCHQ grew out of naval intelligence. Their relatives from Hesse-Darmstadt traditionally made up the Lords of the Admiralty, i.e. the leadership of the navy. And countless relatives are big shots in the economy.
After the end of the Soviet Union, the royals played a crucial role in the new relations with Russia and Eastern Europe. In principle, the KGB was allowed to create assets in the City of London and various tax havens.
Brian Fall, the British ambassador to Moscow, orchestrated royal visits to signal support for Yeltsin. Francis Richards of the embassy, who later became head of GCHQ, was able to move anywhere in St. Petersburg and met with the mayor, one Vladimir Putin. He soon acquired a tsar-era palace and it is possible that he descended from the noble Putijatin clan. In a recent book about the KGB and the money transfers to the City of London, the author Catherine Belton says that a high source confirmed a visit by a very young Putin to a Russian-born princess in Hesse-Darmstadt, who was part of the Metternich clan had married in.
Spies are “crown servants”. The first head of MI6 Mansfield Cumming considered himself to be in the service of the King, not the Prime Minister. King George VI knew all the secrets during World War II; from the D-Day plans to the codebreakers at Bletchley Park. MI6 chief Stewart Menzies was the stepson of the king’s equerry and perhaps the illegitimate child of a king. Queen Elizabeth made a former MI5 chief, Andrew Parker, Lord Chamberlain in the Royal Household in 2021. Special Branch was once created because of assassination attempts against Queen Victoria.
1 comment
Anthony Blunt, yet another “alleged” elite Paedo….
Mountbatten “allegedly” paid hush money to his handlers who helped facilitate his mentally divergent proclivities.