
Intelligence agencies have been controlling conspiracy media for 200 years

It is easy to prove with ordinary history and psychology books that regimes have been psychopathic for thousands of years and that they sacrifice heaps of people for their own agenda. With specialized literature on the various secret services of the 20th century, it is possible to reconstruct how professional secret services existed in past centuries, without official names and visible headquarters.

You don’t need any literature from the classic conspiracy genre. Conspiracy media is often worse than useless.

Conspiracy media is either completely unscientific or only exists within narrow ideological frameworks. In essence, modern conspiracy media has been under the control of Anglo-American and Russian intelligence services for about 200 years, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. The average consumer of conspiracy media usually has little idea of the nature and history of the conspiracy media, but simply believes he is well informed.

The fake industry and its tricks of the trade

In the 1990s and before it was possible to write conspiracy bestsellers with plagiarized material without any special effort, whereas today the speed of the Internet demands almost daily sensations: Quickly assembled posts are spreading at breakneck speed through social networks and significant incidents are investigated amateurishly for a few days before the interest wanes and the next incident happens. These are the usual tricks of the trade:

  • Forging classified documents/information and inventing lies about how this material was acquired. Most of the time a wild story is told of high-ranking sources or former members of powerful circles.
  • Public, not very relevant, old and faulty material, which was easily found on the net, is puffed up to look like something new and sold for money
  • Plagiarizing from Russian propaganda without any real critical examination of the material
  • Creating the impression of being allied with powerful circles. Whether it’s the Russian government, Team Q, aliens or secret ninja groups from Asia
  • Merciless exaggeration of one’s own influence, the audience size and the qualitative composition of the audience. Today you can buy hundreds of thousands of fake friends on Facebook or clicks on YouTube if necessary
  • Religious or esoteric thought traps and theatrical priestly posturing
  • Rejection of logical thinking and the application of unscientific standards and evaluation criteria
  • Exaggerated emotionality: Both negative emotions such as anger and exaggerated artificial bliss
  • Stultification and oversimplification of the message: Everything except short, fast-cut YouTube videos with simple content overwhelms the audience’s attention span these days
  • Ideological fanaticism: Communists, Nazis, libertarian anarchists, arch-conservative medievalism, etc.
  • Classical sectarian mechanisms
  • Knowledge bluff and superficial investigations, instead of extensive research and education
  • “Crowd pleasing”, i.e. the manipulative serving of pre-conceived notions of the target audience; serving current trends and opinions


The group narcissism among conspiracy buffs is sometimes so pronounced that you can call them the Truther Taliban. They claim to be all about free critical thinking, but if you reject any one of their pet dogmas, you are the enemy. They will throw a paranoid fit and consider you a CIA agent.

If you reject the fairy tale that a Jewish banker could rip off the financial markets with impunity after the Battle of Waterloo and then steal the entire British Empire without being stopped in any way, you will be considered a Jewish co-conspirator of the (fake) Wise Men of Zion. If you do not believe the bad source material about a Vatican-Jesuit world conspiracy, you are considered a Jesuit co-adjutor (meaning conspirator). If you do not believe in Sandy Hook’s crisis actors, you are a paid CIA shill. If you take the SARS-Cov-2 virus seriously (as the Russians do), you will be accused of being a spineless mainstream supporter or minion of Bill Gates. If you don’t consider Putin and Trump to be the saviours but a danger, you are considered to be a demon. If you don’t believe in Q and the miracle world savior team behind Trump, you are a “clown” from the “left deep state”. Even reptiloids from another dimension are taken so seriously that one can quickly be considered a reptiloid.

The most successful classical authors fooled their audience

There has been a number of bestselling conspiracy authors in the last 200 years who were instrumental in defining the dogmas and ways of thinking. Less successful authors, and later the Internet truthers, endlessly copied from the bestseller authors and internalized the dogmas.

  • The first modern bestseller was John Robisons “Proofs of a Conspiracy” in the 1790s. Robison was a British freemason, loyal to the Guelph British king and a leader of the conspiratorial Guelph scientific association “Royal Society”. His book was a diversionary tactic with regard to the French Revolution: He accused only French lodges and the Weishaupt lodges from Germany (which were already blown) of having participated in the French revolution. Robison keeps completely silent about the main suspect, namely the British aristocratic espionage. He does not mention British secret services at all, even though they had the mission to harm the French monarchy. The conspiracy theorist scene has not noticed to this day how it was fooled by Robison.
  • Abbé Barruel worked the Catholic audience with the same tactics as Robison and had himself been supported by the influential freemason and politician Edmund Burke. Instead of pointing his finger at the Brits, Barruel again wrote only about the Bavarian Illuminati and French lodges.
  • Frenchman Marie Joseph Gabriel Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès (alias Taxil) was one of the biggest fakers of all and invented a series of satanic stories that were endlessly copied by other authors. His fictional source of insider information was “Diana Vaughan”, a drop-out from the (non-existent) “Cult of the Palladists” who is said to have been in contact with demons.
  • The Protocols of Zion: A provocateur from the Prussian secret police created the main template for the Protocols of Zion, Russian secret services added other material and Anglo-American secret services spread the protocols in the West. Soviet services also disseminated the Protocols en masse in the Muslim world. It soon became apparent that the athors of the fake stole ideas from a satire by Maurice Joly, from the novel Biarritz and from Theodor Herzls “Der Judenstaat”. The protocols became a cornerstone of later conspiracy literature and merged with other fakes, such as the Waterloo fairy tale about the Rothschilds, who are said to have stolen the British Empire unhindered. Harris A. Houghton, a member of American military intelligence, had a complete English translation of the protocols prepared and distributed in 1920. For this purpose he created the front company “The Beckwith Company” and published books like Nesta Webster’s “Boche and bolshevik”. The money for Houghton’s publishing activities probably came from the American Defense Society, whose honorary president was former US president Theodore Roosevelt. The chairman was Richard Melancthon Hurd, a graduate of Yale University and a member of the secret organization Skull & Bones.
  • Nesta Webster: She was born in Trent Park, a stately estate north of London, which was repeatedly used by the secret services and the military, for example as a prisoner of war camp for important German and Italian officers.The house had been rented to his doctor by King George III in 1777. Later it became the property of the Bevan family, whose men were partners in Barclays Bank. Nesta Webster’s father was also a partner in Barclays. Nesta Webster was literally born into the circle of conspirators and bankers. She could be trusted to understand the meaning and true power of the British Empire, but in her writings she spoke instead about mythical circles of occultists, Jews and Illuminati as the masterminds of great conspiracies. After the First World War, she was allowed to lecture on these topics several times at military installations and before the secret service. The secret service is said to have urged (!) her to write the book “World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization”. She received praise from high politics, such as Lord Kitchener, and in 1920 Winston Churchill advertised her in an article entitled “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People”. You have to keep the audacity in mind: Key members of the British Empire rave about mythical (fake) Jewish conspirators of the world, with the British secret services being the prime suspects in the destabilization of the French monarchy, the Russian revolution and the spread of socialism through the Fabian Society. And, of course, the Empire had built up Jewish clans like Sassoon and Rothschild.
  • Another suspicious star of the conspiracy scene was William James Guy Carr (1895 – 1959), a Canadian naval officer and intelligence officer born in England. In his profession he was committed to the British Crown and fought for the Empire in both world wars. From 1931 he lectured in Canada on the Illuminati, international communism and banker families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. When he retired, he published books such as “Pawns in the Game” (1955) and “Red Fog over America” (1955). Hundreds of thousands of copies were sold. His greatest influences were Nesta Webster, Léo Taxil, Barruel and Robison. Pawns in the Game is extremely unscientific, misleading and full of outright fake information. Carr’s lies nevertheless ended up on the Internet and from there they influenced Alex Jones, Henry Makow, Walter J. Veith, Bill Schnoebelen, Texe Marrs, David Icke, Pat Robertson and many others. These self-proclaimed experts about the “Illuminati” had simply read a few bad books without ever sorting out all the wrong data and doing better research.
  • The American Eustace Mullins is best known for his book “The Secrets of The Federal Reserve” about the American central bank. The Fed is actually a construct of government and private sector elements that simply reflects the American upper class. However, Mullins turned the Fed into a Jewish private bank. Even the first two US central banks had been the work of the oh-so-celebrated but unfortunately greedy and corrupt US founding fathers. By falsifying history, however, conspiracy authors turned the First and Second Bank of the United States into tools of the Rothschilds. In 1952 Mullins’ book about the Federal Reserve was published and in the following years he also published absurd articles that praised Adolf Hitler, among others.
  • Milton William Cooper: The star of the 1990s. Cooper probably served in the US Navy, but it is not even really certain in which function and his critics assume that it was a boring job at the lowest level. He, on the other hand, spread lofty stories of having worked in the Air Force and Naval Intelligence, where he copied highly classified documents. This is how the commercially successful book “Behold a Pale Horse” was written in 1991, a chaotic patchwork of old material and completely unproven claims about extraterrestrials as bosses of the Illuminati. Cooper’s fake sensationalist documents were never a threat to elites and he was considered a choleric, narcissistic alcoholic. He also pretended to lead a massive militia, but he was lonely.
  • Fritz Springmeier and the “13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati”: In 1999 Springmeier had success with his book “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, which describes the 13 families he considered the most powerful in the world: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn and the Merovingians. Influential sources are said to have helped Springmeier. In reality he had no idea which families were more influential than others. He simply chose 13 names and combined freely available information with wild claims about Satanism.
  • David Icke: He started his career in the 1990s with books, today he fills large concert halls for hours of lectures about conspiracies and of course he is also present on the Internet. He combined old material from the conspiracy literature with theosophy and the fantasies of Sitchin and Däniken about extraterrestrials. Where his first book was still quite confusing and difficult to understand, he soon got the hang of it and published simpler works with digestible gimmicks.
  • John A. Stormer landed a multi million bestseller in 1964 with “None Dare Call It Treason”. Although the quality was relatively high for a conspiracy book, the project was supported by influential circles of the Republican Party. Conspiracies were described as thoroughly communist and the audience is strongly encouraged to place their hopes in right-wing circles from the US military and intelligence services.
  • Alex Jones: For years, the Texan moved within the right-wing conservative conspiracy media with representatives such as Stormer, Gary Allen and various figures from the John Birch Society. He succeeded in making better use of the new technical possibilities of VHS tapes, marketing gimmicks and the internet. From 2008 he increasingly shifted to Russian propaganda and from 2016 to the new right-wing trend. A few years ago he admitted in his program that he had read almost no books at all during the past decade. The quality of Jones’ Infowars was getting worse and worse, which in the case of Sandy Hook brought him a number of lawsuits. He was expertly diagnosed with a narcissistic personality and is considered a choleric, emotionally unstable alcoholic. With his overpriced attorneys he procured de facto custody of the children and kept his ex-wife in check. In the meantime his second marriage appears also dead in the water and Jones has his second wife also monitored by a private secret service. Jones and his second wife sic the police on each other for drunk driving. After a court ordered a drug hair test, Jones had his head shaved bald. Meanwhile, he claims to be aware of interdimensional aliens.

The Russians

Russian secret services promoted the anti-Semitic fairy tales, especially in the Muslim world. Yuri Andropov simultaneously launched a massive anti-Semitic campaign and promoted radical Islam. By 1978, the Soviet bloc had succeeded in placing some 4,000 agents of influence in the Islamic world and, in addition, in distributing hundreds of thousands of copies of the Fake Protocols of Zion. Many Arab governments additionally financed new prints of the protocols and taught them in their schools as historical fact. In Syria, for example, the text is a bestseller. The Soviet Union regarded Syria as a partner and supplied modern weaponry. In 2005 there was a revised new edition, which was authorized by the Syrian Ministry of Information. In Syria, state-controlled television stations also occasionally broadcast mini-series on the Protocols, along with several other anti-Semitic topics.

During the Cold War, the Soviet KGB attempted to influence the leftist currents of investigative writers in the West on a larger scale. The many books and reports had a certain level of sophistication, but only deplored NATO activities, not the Soviet aggressions and the gulags.

After 1991 the Russian secret services expanded their activities in the field of (new) right-wing conspiracy media. The fairy tales about a socialist-Jewish world conspiracy were rehashed and the Putin regime was celebrated as a Christian-conservative antipole. Russian agents of influence in the West simply copy the essential points from the Russian media and hide behind freedom of opinion and press.

Alex Jones claimed to be in league with right-wing American intelligence and military officials who encourage him to promote the Putin regime. It is possible that Jones was deceived by the idea that the Communists must be prevented from regaining power in Russia.

The CNP and alt.right

For many years, the Council for National Policy has worked in quasi-secret to run the right-wing scene in the United States, including the more extreme segments and conspiracy theorists.

After the fiasco of the Bush administration, the Republicans needed new ideas and faces to gain respect and attract a broad spectrum of the population. Then they introduced to their target audience an aged showbiz and real estate mogul named Trump and the fad we call “alt.right” or “new right”.

Nothing about it was really new or alternative. Hate Muslims and be obsessed with Muslim extremism? We had that during most of the Bush administration. Hate the left and be obsessed with communist subversion? We had all that all Cold War long. The idea of a pure white ethnic state and absolutist white rule? That sounds like old school colonialist British psychopathy. The idea that the Russian regime will come to the rescue, will be a global leader and a role model? Sounds like what Western communists believed until the Soviet Union collapsed.

While the alt.right is obsessed with the senile mogul George Soros, who distributes money to leftists like candy but doesn’t make any decisions, the alt.right gets very nervous when asked about the billionaire donors of the right sector like the Mercer family, the Shillmans or the Rosenwalds.

It is by no means only Jewish billionaires who pump money into alt.right, and it is not just a simple trick to get the right-wing scene away from anti-Semitism and towards Islamophobia.

The “Council for National Policy” is a network where rich and influential people find right-wing groups to invest money in them. The spectrum ranges from mainstream Republican groups to clowns like David Duke and even the early conspiracy media of the John Birch Society. Not every CNP member is automatically and consciously part of a conspiracy. It can be assumed that many bona fide members are simply observed and indirectly controlled. Steve Bannon is only one of several members who overlapped with the Trump administration, and sources tell us that the Council was instrumental in successfully promoting Trump to conservative Christians (“Evangelicals”), although Trump originally had no credibility as a conservative, only tweets.

Breitbart may have fallen from grace and Bannon was kicked out of the White House, but the elite circles have enough money to keep Trumpism and the alt.right going. Stars like Milo can be built up and when they fall, new stars can be built or adapted very quickly.

Today, Infowars has evolved into a hybrid that retains some classic conspiracy media attributes, but largely adopts the pillars of the alt.right ideology. You look at Infowars these days and hardly notice that it is the website of America’s leading conspiracy theorist. All you will find are Trump advertisements, excuses for Trump, fairy tales about Trump and great expectations of Trump, hatred of Trump’s opponents, unfair generalized stereotypes about Muslims, and of course fear of communist subversion. Jones used to educate people about the left-right paradigm. Now he is doing exactly what he thought was wrong and misleading. Everything that is directed against the left is now considered “good”. Even internment camps.

And Jones has heavily promoted people like Posobiec, Tommy Robinson and Laura Loomer, who are or were associated with the aforementioned elite billionaire donors. Jones even considered hiring them.

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