What exactly is toxic masculinity? From a new study to Gilette commercials or SJW-Star Wars where the popular male characters are killed off and disposed of to make room for women, bad male behavior is being babbled about.
I could just put some simplistic slogans together against feminism like Lego blocks or I could copy the boring material from the mentally unstable Jordan Peterson, who seems to have come to an arrangement with the establishment.
We should push back professionally against narcissism and psychopathy and emotional instability, paranoia and other personality disorders of the Cluster B category, which affect not only men but also women. The communication difficulties of many men are mostly due to the fact that their environment was so brutally narcissistic that any admission of feelings and difficulties would have been answered with a flood of (verbal) attacks. Men, insecure and under pressure by today’s (narcissistic) leftist culture, then flock to narcissistic masculin gurus, who then demand the suppression of women and demand legalized male narcissisistic abuse. So the pathological cycle goes on and on.
The climax of the idiocy was the demand for a kind of “white Sharia law” with which the malignant angry losers want to get some 14-year-old pretty girls arranged for a marriage, and then also feel entitled to legal immunity within the confinements of their homes. Such right-wing Social Justice Warriors are moaning and bitching on the web and expect to get their expectations met.
If you have children of your own, you realize how little reality cares about ideology most of the time. My daughter is pure femininity, my son is typically male. Nevertheless, I send my daughter to Krav Maga combat training so that she can break bones later, if necessary. Because there are too many toxic guys running around who can’t be trusted. But combat training and basic safety awareness is only half the battle. The other half is to teach her what the warning signs in people are for B-category mental disorders like narcissism or psychopathy. Unlike a migrant sex offender who assaults his victims on the street, psychos can ensnare their victims and act smarter to reduce their legal risk.
In the same way, my son will learn to recognize warning signs and assess other people professionally. Whether it’s crazy women or crazy men.
The more one knows about the human psyche, the better the communication skills become.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator