
The true spy scandals of the Bilderberg Group

Excerpt of “Friends & Enemies” with Jeff Nyquist and Alex Benesch from January 5th 2025

Alex: Well, I was surprised to find, this was like one or two weeks ago, to find a story on the London Guardian website. And this was about Bilderberg. Now, normally, they allow basically one story about Bilderberg per year. This is always written by Charlie Skelton.

So every time there’s this big Bilderberg conference, it’s in a different country every year. They always rent a five-star luxurious hotel. And you’re not supposed to really know what they’re talking about. They give out some talking points on their website.

And so I was surprised to see that there was a Bilderberg story on the Guardian, even though this is not the time when they usually have their conference. Many people have heard about Bilderberg now, but this is sort of a transatlantic organization, very traditional. It’s been around for many decades. And it’s been tied to the Cold War. And from the few statements that we’ve heard from Bilderberg members, they portray themselves as the protectors. They network between America and Europe, and they make sure that business is functioning and that security is functioning. And they have to do that in secret, you know, because reasons, classified stuff is being talked about. So you go to the Guardian website, and it’s a story by Charlie Skelton, whom I’ve met briefly at one of those conferences. I think it was in Watford in Britain.

And he talks about the new era of Bilderberg. Now, with the incoming Trump administration, there seems to be a new openness to Bilderberg. Now, they want to promote themselves more in public, tell people not to worry when this bigger war is coming, when everything’s escalating. Bilderberg is there, representing all these different corporations and governments and agencies. Bilderberg will protect us. Everything’s going to be fine.

And we should trust Bilderberg because they’ve protected us during the Cold War. That seems to be the self-marketing here.

And now they’ve recruited the former NATO Secretary General, Mr. Stoltenberg.

And that’s an odd choice. Not so much because he’s an important guy. They have important guys all the time, every year in those conferences.

But if you do it like this, at a time like this, it draws attention to Bilderberg, which is kind of a new thing. They want a certain amount of attention. They could have picked some standard bureaucrat, some Euro person that nobody really knows. But now they’ve picked a person who is known internationally. Now, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, he apparently didn’t like his job so much at NATO. He talked about switching jobs to the Norwegian Central Bank.

 But now he’s in this position at Bilderberg.

So now we had not just this piece in The Guardian by Mr. Skelton, who is kind of skeptic. He’s alternating between pragmatism and skepticism. I think he seems to be a bit on the left. And he understands the pragmatic realities, but he’s also suspicious of Bilderberg, because they’re so powerful and seem so right-wing.

Next was Bloomberg. Bloomberg puts out a story almost at the same time about Bilderberg.

And then the Financial Times published something in September. This was an obituary for Victor Halberstadt. Well, you probably don’t know him because that’s how Bilderberg used to roll. They used these guys that nobody knows.

And Mr. Victor Halberstadt, he was always at these conferences for half of his life. And they talk about in the Financial Times how great he was. And they say he’s from a Jewish family. He’s from Amsterdam. And he was hidden from the Nazis, so he survived the Nazi era.

And later he found out that a young Henry Kissinger was stationed very closely to where he was hidden, because Henry Kissinger was with the US military when he was young.

And so later in life, those two meet again. Henry Kissinger, for as long as we could think of, the man at Bilderberg. And then he met Victor Halberstadt.

So this is kind of the framing from the Financial Times. They’re saying, look, there was fascism, the threat of fascism. And then you had all these guys who later met at Bilderberg, and these guys fought fascism. Right? So Bilderberg is fighting fascism. But Bilderberg was also fighting the communists, they say. Isn’t that great? So they fight both fascists and communists, so you shouldn’t be worrying at all. They got this all handled. They have a new degree of publicity. But there’s still a massive, massive amount of problem. I suggest people, if you haven’t seen it, check out the episode we did on Henry Kissinger.

And his ties to Soviet circles and how he made so many choices that benefited the USSR.

And also how Henry Kissinger finally sold the big lie, the big deception to President Nixon. We talk about that at length in that previous episode.

Telling Nixon, hey, this is the moment, there’s so much friction, which was fake. There’s so much friction between the Russians and the Chinese. We have to use that. We have to play nice with the Chinese as a counterweight to the Russians.

And there was a decade of deception before that. And finally Henry Kissinger sold the lie. So in essence, Bilderberg is now presenting itself more publicly as our savior, kind of an elite parliament of different people.

Right wingers, not so right wingers, left-some left wingers. They want to protect us from fascism, like Putin’s Russia today. And they want to protect us from communists, like China. Sounds nice. But what about the espionage problem that’s been so bad all throughout the Cold War? And even after the Cold War, it’s never been properly addressed, it’s never been properly solved, and the clock is ticking. Now we’re about five years away, according to NATO’s own estimates, about five years away from a major, major global war. And we can’t trust these people at Bilderberg. And I think the incoming Trump administration is not trusting these people that much. So it will be interesting to see where this is going in the next couple of months.

Jeff: Well, that’s interesting. I wonder if you could explain to us what the Bilderberg group actually is, because people have created a huge, mysterious conspiracy theory when, in reality, of course, people at the elite level, you know, corporate executives, government ministers, influential people, have always been getting together, have always been trying to get together.

And they’re trying to figure out to solve problems together.

And your mentioning of Kissinger, these are the primary capitalist groups that are going to be infiltrated, right? They’re going to be infiltrated by these folks. Most people don’t view things sociologically or in terms of the way of seeing larger social interactions, whether it’s a small group in your neighborhood or it’s these elite groups, people get together, they talk, they communicate, they coordinate, they bicker, they disagree, they agree.

 When World War II ended, the Axis was defeated, Nazi Germany, Japan, Italy, their allies, they were all defeated by the United Nations, all the other countries united against the Axis.

And the Soviet Union, the communists were a major component in this war especially against Germany, but also against Japan towards the end. And what people don’t realize is that when the West had a lot of these false notions that we were going to get along with Russia after, that communism wasn’t going to be a problem that Stalin had renounced spreading the revolution.

In 1943 the Comintern was shut down. Of course it was falsely shut down, it was sort of a false folding up the tent of communism and saying we’re not going to do this to you anymore because you’re our buddies now.

The realized that was really against the West. And so all of these capitalists, all of these government officials in all these countries, these western countries, and in America especially, they thought what are we going to do?

And so what they did was something called containment, that Secretary of State Dean Acheson and President Truman had sort of set as a policy. And that was the strategic policy of the United States. It was a dreadful failure. And the mentality that produced it is the mentality of the capitalists. Why? Because politicians are very sensitive to capitalists. Capitalists want to trade, they want to make money, they want to move money all around the world, they want to invest, they want to trade, they want to have access to resources and to buy cheap and to sell deer.

And it’s good, it makes the world economically work. But the problem with this is that in this show it’s called Friends and Enemies. When you have an enemy, the problem that you have is that he knows you’re a capitalist. He knows you want to make a deal. And so he’s looking at you like he can be mean to you and then he can hold out a bait that he’s going to be nice to you and he can sucker you over and over again.

And so containment had this feature that they were always breaking the containment. So that in the 1950s you have Cuba going communist and the United States didn’t react. You have the 1960s where Laos went communist, where then in the 1970s Vietnam, Cambodia, and Angola and then in the late 70s you had the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. You had this breakout, especially in Africa and even in Latin America, the communists just kept advancing. Containment was leaky. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 79.

It was a containment that didn’t work. And Reagan got elected and he said, “Roll back, not containment.”

And this seemed to be successful. Only the Soviets then came out with perestroika and super love and kissy and “we will be your buddies again”. The super peace offensive of Gorbachev who won Reagan over. So that Reagan accepted the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Agreement, when a lot of hardcore anti-communist in the US thought, “What is Reagan doing? This is wrong.”

And then everybody, the whole conservative anti-communist movement in the United States with William Buckley, extensively at the head of it, accepted the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe as a real event and just vilified people like Golitzin and Angleton who’d said, “This is coming. It’s going to be a facade. It’s going to be false. It’s a super peace offensive. Don’t believe it.”

And so we went to this situation we have here. So here we have a new Cold War. Well, I don’t think the Cold War ever stopped. Here we have a new Cold War. And the problem that we have in its endemic is these people pop out like a mad jack in the box again. And they’ve got the same mentality.

They’re thinking containment because nobody’s talking about rolling back the Russians in Ukraine.

Alex: Well, there’s a whole bunch of organizations like Bilderberg and they all kind of work together. So Bilderberg, as a transatlantic organization, there’s so many more. There’s the Atlantic Bridge in Germany.

And its members, they’ve become really powerful. There’s all kinds of transatlantic ties going on. It’s nice to have an organization like NATO or Bilderberg as long as you can trust these people, as long as there’s proper counterintelligence. And that’s what’s been missing for so long.

Jeff: So let’s clarify what you just said. Do you mean that they’re infiltrated and we don’t know which one of them, like a Klaus Schwab, for example, is it the agent of Russia and China?

Alex: You got these old schoolers like Henry Kissinger, right? So people associated Henry Kissinger with Bilderberg and they associated the old Mr. Rockefeller with Bilderberg. Now, Henry Kissinger who infiltrated Bilderberg could pull in new people and create this next generation of Bilderberg members and get them to different places. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be doing this at all, right? It’s like you’re setting up these meetings, you’re talking about very sensitive stuff, but you don’t really understand who is who. And now that we’re learning more about Bilderberg and the details of the past, especially the Cold War, there’s been an insane level of distrust.

And there’s some staggering ties of Bilderberg members and their circles.

Jeff: Well, let’s talk about Stoltenberg’s past. What is Stoltenberg’s ideology? You’re German, he’s Norwegian, you probably know what he is politically, right?

Alex: Well, admittedly, the guy in his youth was a leftist, he was singing songs against NATO, and his sister, I think, was also pretty active in those movements. And they thought it was fun. It was fun and exciting to them, he said. He even joked about it, his own past.

Jeff: So how does he have an opinion that NATO is good? I mean, where did he write an autobiography saying how we understood that, you know, I mean, why should we trust somebody with that background? It’s like, oh, I was a devil worshipper when I was 20, and now I’m sort of against it, but I don’t have any religion, you know, I never had a conversion away from it. I mean, how do you explain it?

Alex: Yeah, it’s kind of this weird nexus going on over here. It’s weird people, weird bureaucrats, people you normally never even hear about, and they have so much power, there’s no proper counter intelligence here. And then this sort of nexus from Europe, that’s then connected to America. And there’s supposed to be this transatlantic cooperation going on. But if we look at some of these guys, there’s communist ties, some early Bilderberg members, they even had Nazi ties. I mean, serious Nazi ties.

Jeff: And by the way, that’s problematic because the Nazi party, toward the end of World War II, was heavily infiltrated by Soviet agents. Because many of them thought the Red Army was going to get all of Germany, maybe. And, you know, in 1943, it didn’t look like the Allies were capable of landing on the continent. Nobody had conducted mass amphibious operations with major armies before. And so people thought, gosh, when the Red Army gets here, I’m going to be hung. I better be a Soviet agent.

Some Nazis, in this war, were really working for Moscow.

Alex: So you mentioned Jens Stoltenberg and the Norwegians, right? The new guy at NATO, the new guy at NATO, Mr. Rutte, he’s from Holland.

And most people have never even heard of the guy. And he’s like this person that nobody really knows. I mean, people were surprised to find that he’s the new Secretary General of NATO. The press tried to find family members and friends and acquaintances to interview. So they have something to write about who Mr. Rutte is. Turns out, no friends, nobody wants to talk, nobody seems to know the guy, he’s just smiling all the time. And this is kind of this huge maniacal problem here in Europe. And Bilderberg sort of makes this European problem America’s problem.

Now, going back to that that Financial Times piece a few weeks ago, or months ago in September, they talk about Viktor Halberstadt, who was always at these Bilderberg conferences. And he’s from a Jewish family and they survived the Nazis and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Later at Bilderberg, he meets Henry Kissinger, who was stationed in Germany with the US Army. Sounds great, right? Bilderberg saving us from the fascists.

Jeff: Henry Kissinger, by the way was Sergeant Henry Kissinger back in the day.

But he got a lot of power and he was effectively the mayor of a German town.

Alex: Yeah. And sort of this interesting, nice sounding framing from the Financial Times that these people are saving us from the fascists and the communists. But now it’s more complicated than that. Mr. Halberstadt, he had been working for the crown of the Netherlands and the government of the Netherlands. It’s this tiny little country, very weird country. And also the queen of the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix, for a long time, was attending these Bilderberg conferences.

Okay. New NATO Secretary General, Mr. Rutte, is also from Holland. Now, the crown of the Netherlands are basically Germans. They’re from the dynasties Oranien Nassau, Mecklenburg and Lippe. Now, we know about Prince Bernhard and his membership in the NSDAP party.

Now, Prince Bernhard, he’s kind of a link between the Netherlands and Germany. And yeah, he was a member of the NSDAP.

And it took until the 1990s when a copy of his Nazi Party membership ID card was found in the United States. Now, this copy was in a safe of an American official. I don’t know exactly why this copy ended up with an American official, but that’s when we had the final confirmation that Prince Bernhard was indeed a member of the Nazi Party, the NSDAP.

Prince Bernhard always tried to deny his membership. And we also know that the high nobility was just flooding into the Nazi Party, taking on various positions.

And then we had some other people from the Netherlands, the nobleman, Sir Henry Deterding, he was from the Shell Corporation. The Royal Dutch Shell is also a company that’s tied to the nobility.

And so Mr. Deterding was giving a lot of money to the Nazi Party. There’s a good book out there. It’s from Glyn Roberts. It’s called “The Most Powerful Man in the World”. Mr. Deterding was funding Hitler as early as 1921.

Jeff: Which is kind of amazing. That’s awfully early.

Alex: Yeah, it’s extremely early. And so this book, “The Most Powerful Man in the World” kind of reconstructs how much money this guy funneled to the Nazis when the Nazis really needed that money.

And so Mr. Deterding also bought some oil fields in the US. He also got into the Russian market.

He had his partner from British military intelligence, George MacDonough, who was tied to the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Now, the Royal Institute of International Affairs sort of is like a predecessor to Bilderberg.

 And it’s also tied to the Council on Foreign Relations as well.

So these are not really, as people claim on the internet, left-wing organizations at all. They use left-wing policy, or they support left-wing policy sometimes, but it’s more complicated than that.

So this is just one example of influential Bilderberg people tied to the Nazis. The crown of the Netherlands, the family of Queen Beatrix and that sort of people.

 And then here’s another thing. This was also from the Financial Times piece in September.

So they talk about Viktor Halberstadt’s first Bilderberg conference, first time he ever attended. He was a professor in economics at the University of Leiden. And in 1975, he was invited to Bilderberg for the first time. And there he met Margaret Thatcher.

When was she Prime Minister of Britain? Wasn’t this later?

Jeff: From 1979 to the early 90s.

Alex: Yeah, so he met Margaret Thatcher and he met Donald Rumsfeld.

And so the Financial Times is giving us an interesting anecdote here. A man called Joseph Luns, who was the Secretary General of NATO at the time, probably nobody remembers this guy.

So Joseph Luns is telling Mr. Halberstadt to come over. “Hey, I want to talk to you. We have a group here, we want to talk to you.” And in this group was also Dennis Healy, the British… what do they call it in English, the Financial Minister of some sort.

Jeff: Yeah, Secretary of the Exchequer.

Alex: Exactly, yeah, I think that’s what they call it. So now you’ve got Mr. Halberstadt, who is his first Bilderberg conference. You have Joseph Luns, who is Secretary General of NATO. You have Dennis Healy, this creepy Brit.

And then they wave at Margaret Thatcher and tell her, “Come over, we want to talk to you. We’ve got a great little group going on here.”

“Ms. Thatcher, come over.” But Thatcher wouldn’t come over because she knew that Mr. Healy was a real communist.

And so the Financial Times is giving us this little bit of inside anecdote of this Bilderberg conference in 1975. Now why does the Financial Times do this? My suspicion is they want to create the impression that a variety of ideologies is represented there.

So you’ve got the super left, you’ve got what they call social democrats like Halberstadt, you get a right-winger pro-business person like Margaret Thatcher, and you get Joseph Luns, Secretary General of NATO. So it almost sounds like Bilderberg is sort of this secret little very powerful parliament with different opinions, right? But there’s some stuff that the Financial Times is leaving out of the story. They’re not mentioning this even though it’s really important for the reader.

Mr. Joseph Luns was a member in 1933 of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands. It’s sort of like the Nazis of the Netherlands, you could call it. They call it the NSB. And later he claimed that he was young and he was dumb and people should forget about that. And he was in a fascist party. He had a great career in the diplomatic service and espionage later.

And Mr. Luns then married the Baroness Lia van Heemstra, a niece of Baroness Ella van Heemstra. Now why am I mentioning Ella van Heemstra? Because she was one of the earliest supporters of Adolf Hitler and she was praising him in public. She personally met Adolf Hitler in 1935 and published some stories in a British fascist newspaper calling Hitler a charming personality.

She had a photo from that day. I think it was like a modern day selfie, right? You know, with her and Hitler, I guess. She had that image, that picture in her office. And so, yeah, in this Baroness from the Netherlands, she was also kind of connected to some other Nazi officers.

And of course, later they claimed this was just early mistakes and then they changed course and all that. And then, you know, they all supposedly changed.

But it’s always the question with these people. And we talked about Louis Mountbatten before and all that. So if you had been in bed with the Nazis, what do the communists know about that?

 What do the Russians know about your secret history?

Jeff: Yeah, and what is your moral compass that you were with the Nazis? Is that moral compass so broken that your reliability as someone supporting freedom in the Western values is really shaky?

Alex: There’s no end to the madness here. So this Dennis Healy guy that was at that Bilderberg meeting in 1975 and that little group, you know, with with Joseph Luns and and this little group wanted to talk to Margaret Thatcher, but she wouldn’t talk to them.

This Dennis Healy, he was really a communist and he was recruited for the British government by Prime Minister Harold Wilson. And we’ve talked about Harold Wilson before.

Jeff: Harold Wilson was accused of being a Soviet agent by the deputy director of MI5. And it was part of the spy catcher scandal. And of course, also the head of MI5 was accused of being a Soviet agent, Sir Roger Hollis. And of course, the book Spy Catcher was banned in the United Kingdom under Margaret Thatcher. You’d have to go to America to get a copy of Spy Catcher.

So the infiltration of the West, when people come out from the intelligence services to write a kiss and tell book, it just spills all out that you’ve got communists crawling in all the high places.

Alex: So imagine the situation. You’re Margaret Thatcher. You’re at a Bilderberg conference, this transatlantic secretive meeting to to protect the world and protect business interests of the West. And it’s supposed to be a group of trusted persons, selected people, right? Background checked and just where you can speak more openly because that’s kind of the marketing so far of Bilderberg. This is when they can speak freely. This is not like in public when everything has to be written by these speechwriters and everything has to be triple checked and you can barely say anything. And in public, everything is complicated. But at Bilderberg, you can talk freely. But here she was, Margaret Thatcher in 1975 at Bilderberg with these communists running around and they want to talk to her. And she said, no. Like, why would I give my personal opinion on things to Dennis Healy, right? I mean, Dennis Healy, who worked for Harold Wilson, I mean, even the CIA had to intervene. The CIA came to the Brits and said, you have a real problem with Mr. Wilson and others. And there’s defectors, you know, confirming what we could confirm otherwise as well.

 This was this was the reality of Bilderberg. Now, Prime Minister Wilson, he had a private secretary called Marcia Williams, the Baroness Falkender.

They traveled to the USSR multiple times. They had business dealings with the USSR and the MI5, the some at the the British intelligence service, MI5, they actually collaborated with the CIA under James Angleton. And they looked into the possibility that that Prime Minister Wilson’s predecessor, Mr. Gaitskill, was murdered by Soviet intelligence to get him out of the way. So the road is free for Wilson.

Jeff: Yeah, that came from Golitzin, by the way. Golitzin defected in December of 1961. And Golitzin, when he was debriefed by the CIA, he said the Soviet Union is planning the assassination of a major figure, a party leader in Western Europe. They’re going to kill the party leader so that their man who’s number two in the party will go to the top position.

And shortly thereafter, Hugh Gaitskill, who was the head of the British Labour Party, had tea and crumpets at the Soviet embassy.

He then comes down with Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease, which was so severe, his Lupus was so severe, it killed him. And of course, they couldn’t figure out, you know, so Peter Wright, who wrote spy catcher, deputy director of MI5, was called, was told this by the Americans. Look, we’ve got information that Gaitskill might have been murdered. And when he looked at it, he said, oh, my gosh, he eats at the Soviet embassy, he dies.

Yeah. He has business connections in Eastern Europe with communist companies. He travels there all the time.

Alex: And it’s not like it’s not like just the Americans were outraged. It’s not just Angleton who was outraged. It was people at the MI5. It was all kinds of conservatives in Britain. And it was it got so bad that that powerful conservatives in Britain, they actually tried to get a group together and involve the British crown to intervene and get rid of labour government.

So that’s how bad it was. But the problem was this conservative group, they approached Lord Louis Mountbatten because he was seen as somebody who would help them. But yeah, somehow this whole thing leaked to the press. And of course, that was then the big scandal. The scandal was on and the press had a field day and they said, there’s nothing there. It’s just a right wing ploy to smear labour and just to interfere in politics. No, this was a real spy thriller.

And people can check out some older shows that we did on Lord Louis Mountbatten and his communist wife.

Jeff: The book is on this by Chapman Pincher is called Treason, which goes into Sir Roger Hollis and the background of all these events.

And it’s the research and he’s not the only one. The research done on this, on British intelligence at the highest level at MI5, this is their counter intelligence. It’s to defend Britain. It’s like the British FBI.

It’s got more powers than the American FBI. This was this spy catcher scandal. When this all came out, of course, people still call them right wing nuts. They believe this sort of communist under the bed thing.

The problem is there were communists under the bed and the researchers that came along later found all kinds of clues and evidence. Sir Roger Hollis.

In fact, there was William West, another British researcher who wrote a very excellent book on the background of Sir Roger Hollis showing how he was recruited by the communists, how he helped the communists during the war.

Because he was supposed to be watching the war during the war, during World War II. So, yeah, I mean, it’s if people want to get into this literature, you know, go look it up. It’s vast. And the digging that’s very excellent journalists did is incredible. And yet this literature is neglected today.

And we’ve got so many of these people, like you say, in the elite, people say, oh, the Western elite is evil Russia. We should ally with Putin against them. When these people in their Western elite are really agents of Moscow to begin with. So Moscow is now going to save us from its agents that it’s planted in our elite.

Alex: So now we have the new generation of not just Bilderberg, but also the new corporations represented at Bilderberg. A lot of them, and I’ll get to that in a minute, a lot of them are tied to defense, are tied to technology, you know, military technology or surveillance technology. So you got all these new corporations at Bilderberg, new members at Bilderberg. But the espionage problem has never really been properly addressed. It’s never been solved. So how much secrets are spilled now? And I mean, I always I always said that at a Bilderberg conference, per se, I don’t expect them to get into the most sensitive information directly, right? Because of the logistics. Now, imagine you have a huge five star hotel. It’s a different one every year. Sometimes it’s in the US. And most of the time, it’s in Europe. It’s far away from America, usually. And it’s it’s these these structures are vast. Huge hotels. How do you sweep for bugs?

In time before the conference begins in a place like this. Now, technology has improved, you now have these new bug finders, these bug scanners, they shoot microwaves at surfaces. And if there’s any reaction from electric electronic components, even when they’re not transmitting, you find the bugs. So in the past, you would listen on frequencies, and you will detect, if something is transmitting. But nowadays, bugs are smaller, better, bugs can be really planted deep inside of a physical structure. I mean, maybe people remember some of these bug planting in American embassies, Soviet bugs, they were so deeply embedded, you had to tear down the whole building and start over. So how would you even sweep a five star hotel, a complete hotel, every potted plant, every surface, every table, every wall, every thing? How do you do that in time, you can’t. And that’s why I think people don’t really talk about the most sensitive stuff at Bilderberg. But it’s still very, very important. And, and it’s not the only place in time when these people meet. So espionage is a huge problem. Now, when I read that recent piece by British journalist Charlie Skelton in The Guardian. He is kind of suspicious. I mean, he understands the threat by the Russians, and apparently the threat by the Chinese. But Skelton is really skeptical when it comes to defense corporations, you know, defense companies. So he’s kind of jabbing in his article, jabbing at these defense companies, represented at Bilderberg.

Jeff: Really, this always bothers me when people are against the actual companies that are going to make the weapons to defend them. This is always troubling to me. It’s like, they’re evil. They’re making weapons to defend you. And I want to introduce this book written by Greg Autry and Peter Navarro. I had the privilege of meeting Greg Autry in October in Allentown, Pennsylvania. And in this book, he has an interesting statistic that during the 1960s, the United States spent the equivalent of $7 trillion in today’s money to build the rocket forces, and the strategic bombers to have deterrence against the Soviet Union.

And of course, the structure for all those rockets, for the building of all those weapons to defend us, those high end strategic weapons, strike weapons, that infrastructure was basically torn down and rotted away after the so called fall of the Soviet Union.

And with all of the Democrats being set against it under the Bush administration, they wanted to start rebuilding under George W. Bush. They mainly got a commitment from Congress, $1.2 trillion to rebuild this infrastructure that really cost trillions. This is why we don’t have any accurate, hard hitting strategic weapon that’s the most difficult to shoot down.

We replaced it. Our minute men, probably half of them don’t work. And so our strategic deterrent is rotting away because we won’t commit the $7 trillion. And these other European countries want to spend less of their GDP than the US, even though Europe has more resources than the US has, and the US is having this trouble. So it’s a people don’t understand, we don’t have the mentality to commit forces to actually defend ourselves. And the Russians and Chinese, no matter how bungling, they’re serious, their economic problems, they’ve committed the resources. They’re building the rockets, they’re building the nuclear warheads, and they’re building these new classes of weapons, not just road models, which we don’t even have, ICBMs and IRBMs, but they’re building the hypersonic missiles. And they’ve got the long range cruise missiles that can that can’t be shot down. And so this is what really is scary. We’re still not doing anything. Now, this Bilderberg meeting, do you think they’re going to talk about actually ponying up the money?

Alex: Well, this has been the biggest problem of Bilderberg, I think, especially when we look at the Cold War history, quite a few corporations associated with Bilderberg and represented at Bilderberg, you know, even German German corporations, I think, like Siemens and others. They’ve traded with the East quite significantly. And this of course, became a bigger issue. Thanks to Henry Kissinger, when he convinced President Nixon to change tactics with the Chinese, when all throughout the 1960s, there was this big theater that was played by the Russians and the Chinese. They acted like they hated each other. They created these border incidents where they were shooting at each other a bit. And they created this impression they were about to go to war. And not only did they stage some border shootings, they also flooded their own communist, high ranking official circles, with this disinformation. You know, the Russians saying we hate the Chinese, the Chinese saying we hate the Russians, we want to go to war. And this is disinformation found its way to the West in different ways.

Jeff: And Henry Kissinger came with the idea, we’ll go to China, we’ll open China, we’ll build up China as a counterweight to Russia. And look at how this turned out.

Alex: And Kissinger could always say, well, the intelligence supports it, the intelligence from different, areas, the intelligence is saying these communist countries hate each other. And we talked about this finale, I think it was in 69 or something, this grand finale of these theatrics from the Russians and the Chinese, when there was like a fake coup d’etat attempt in China. And it sounded really dramatic, and they really played it up. And this was the moment basically when Kissinger could convince Nixon to change course. And of course, when the president of the United States is influenced by this and gives out the new policy, it trickles down. So suddenly, all these companies, corporations represented at Bilderberg, they’re now encouraged, more or less, to trade with China to buy and sell or to sell technology to China. So it’s not like every corporation represented at Bilderberg is knowingly part of some conspiracy. It’s more like, well, this is the new policy. This is what Nixon could say and others could say, Kissinger could say, this is what the intelligence is suggesting to us.

It’s like this old argument by Kissinger that this is kind of a new version of the old Metternich system of balancing the powers and maintaining the peace, blah, blah, blah.

Jeff: Kissinger was very good at pulling out the Metternich thing and trying to sell people with that.

Alex: So this is why Bilderberg really was dangerous because it creates the impression for these members that they all know what they’re doing. And they’ve weighed the options, they’ve looked at the intelligence and they’re managing the situation. And now we got some new members. And this was in the Charlie Skelton piece on The Guardian.

Some of them are not that new, but they have new companies now. So it talks about the former Google boss, Eric Schmidt. He’s now involved in the National Security Commission for A.I. And he is busy building a drone company, a drone company aimed at the Ukrainian market. And then they talk about the Swedish industrialist by the name of Markus Wallenberg. It’s a very old family over there. He’s  heading the defense company Saab. They used to make cars. People still remember.

Jeff: Oh, yeah. My dad drove a Saab. They also make aircraft. They also made fighter planes for Sweden.

Alex: Yeah, exactly. And so this company Saab is now is now gaining momentum because of Russia’s war against Ukraine. So Saab is making more things.

Then Skelton talks about Peter Thiel, who is somewhat close to the Donald Trump camp. Now, Thiel has some has various corporations. One of them is called Anduril. I think that’s another Lord of the Rings name that he picked.

Of course, he has the company called Palantir, which is sort of machine learning for security purposes to find out where the enemy is, when he’s there, what he’s doing, what he’s going to do next.

Now, Peter Thiel’s trusted right hand man, you could say, Alex Karp, is heading Palantir. He’s now in the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group. And Mr. Karp says his company is responsible for most of the attacks of Ukrainian forces against the Russians. And he recently said to The New York Times that soon, pretty soon, there will be a a multi front war of the West with China, Russia and Iran. OK, so all this stuff is mentioned in the piece by Charlie Skelton in The Guardian. And he’s not giving his own interpretation of it.

He’s not saying, oh, I find it scary because, you know, defense companies, but he’s not really giving us a lot of context here. So he’s not really saying if it’s done right. He’s not really talking about the espionage and that sort of stuff.

And it if a left wing person who tends to read The Guardian, if a left wing reader of The Guardian reads this piece, the reader is sort of left with the impression that, well, it’s kind of scary, you know, Bilderberg and these defense companies and talk of war. And man, I hope that there are some other guys that Bilderberg who could counteract these right wingers, you could say, or these defense companies. And this brings us back to these weirdos at Bilderberg, these left wingers or these people who try to play nice with Russia or play nice with China, as we’ve seen so long for so long by Henry Kissinger and others. And there’s also some talk about the incoming Trump administration, too. So there’s another reference. Oh, maybe Bilderberg is turning right wing because of Trump.

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