
New book on amazon: The influence of intelligence networks on conspiracy media

The new book by Alexander Benesch

Click here for the book on amazon

Yes, empires have been using vast intelligence capabilities and all forms of violence for thousands of years and the rulers often practiced mystery cults. However, conventional conspiracy media is of terrible quality and usually part of information warfare practiced by the empires themselves. The genre was originally created by aristocratic intelligence networks associated with the British Empire after the French Revolution to cause more chaos and to divert attention away from Britain. The first bestselling books like John Robison’s “Proofs of a Conspiracy” or the “Memoirs” by Augustin Barruel focused on French lodges and “unknown secret leaders”. Once France had stabilized and began industrializing, socialists launched the next wave including the myth of the Jewish world conspiracy in order to slow down development. Over time, the socialists abandoned antisemitism and found their new main enemy in the “capitalist, imperialist pigs”. Aristocratic intelligence promoted the antisemitism among the extreme rightwing in Germany and Austria. Again, to slow down development. Finally, the National Socialists based their entire view on history on the idiotic notion that Jews had magical abilities of subversion and had wrecked the Roman empire, the French one and the Russian one. For centuries the aristocracy had recruited Jews like the Rothschilds to perform certain tasks. But according to the mythology, these very small Jewish families had taken over the mighty British Empire with nothing but a few loans and a courier system. The Soviet leader Lenin spread the fake “Protocols of Zion” in the Muslim realm to turn it against the West. During the Cold War the American “John Birch Society” claimed to be the world’s leading anticommunist organization, yet repeated debunked myths about Jewish bankers and even attacked the “gilded age” of American industrialism as a Jewish-led conspiracy. Thereby the JBS didn’t sound too different from Lenin’s view. During the 1990s the conspiracy movement became obsessed with UFOs until 9/11 happened. From the first moment Russia silently amplified the new phase of conspiracy media. In 2008 the Putin regime asserted itself more aggressively and gradually became the biggest hope of conspiracy activists. The Donald Trump campaign and even FOX News used the activists with the help of modern psychometrics for the election. On the eve of the Ukrainian invasion Wladimir Putin delivered the apex of the Russian conspiracy mythology: NATO was just like the Nazis who had laid siege to his home city once. Citizens in the United States believe they are under the occupation of the “Elders of Zion” and need Putin’s help to liberate themselves.
This is by no means just a phenomenon on the right-wing spectrum. Very few leftists in the world today are aware that Karl Marx viewed all forms of capitalist trade as a parasitic conspiracy inspired by Jews. In this regard, he copied the views of the French early socialists, whose material was later adopted in the national rightwing scene. The Democratic Party in the USA believes that the great right-wing global conspiracy is everywhere. Many academic authors who write about “conspiracy theories” are left leaning journalists or from the social sciences and lack knowledge about the history of empires and intelligence networks. Even the term “conspiracy theory” is not properly defined. For the most part, it just means a theory about powerful people meeting in secret to plan something immoral and criminal. Why not just use established terms from established fields? Somebody presents a report that alleges (organized) criminal activity or nefarious intelligence operations. This report may be junk, of average quality or maybe even brilliant. But the moment we use these established terms the social scientists would have to admit they are unqualified to judge the quality of a report, unless it’s the most obvious fake or has been properly debunked before.

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Alexander Benesch

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